How to Make It as a Movie Writer

how to make it as a movie writer

Are you trying to make it as a movie writer? Are you trying to separate the great from the clickbait?

A movie writer, as you can imagine, is someone who writes about movies. Not to be confused with screenwriters, who are actually writing movies.

Anyway, on this special episode of the Now Conspiring podcast, Maria decided to take the reins as host and address what it takes to make it as someone who, well, writes about movies.

We’ll talk about tips, tricks, and little-known secrets to avoiding the most dreaded of article types: clickbait. 

And we’ll also discuss how we’ve gotten to where we are as bloggers, as well as all of the mistakes we’ve made along the way.

Enjoy the show, and feel free to rate and subscribe to our show on iTunes! We super crazy appreciate it.

[SIDE NOTE: The movie for the image above is James Franco playing Allen Ginsberg in 2010’s Howl. For whatever reason, he was the first person I thought of when putting this podcast together. Go figure.]