Cinemaholics Podcast: Our Top 10 Movies of 2017


2017 is over, but we’re just getting started. I’m not usually the biggest fan of conversations over general rankings (my yearly power rankings aside), but I do find them most useful years later, when I’m trying to remember what I thought of the filmgoing landscape with some perspective. That’s why I do rankings, period, and it’s triple effective when I get to hear Top 10s from my Cinemaholics cohosts.

Our lists do feature some expected overlap, including a clear Cinemaholics “winner,” if you want to call it that. Turns out Brigsby Bear had the most collective impact on me, Will Ashton, and Maveryke Hines, and hopefully some of you awesome listeners.

Enjoy the episode, and if you just can’t wait, here are our Top 10 lists written out below.

Go on…Cinemaholics Podcast: Our Top 10 Movies of 2017

Cinemaholics Review: Jumanji, The Greatest Showman, Bright, and Downsizing

I’ve been out of town for the last two weeks, so I haven’t had a chance to share all of our latest episodes of Cinemaholics. We’ve put out three since our review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and two of them have been bonus “Last Call” episodes. You can check out all of them above, and let me know in the comments if there’s anything else you want us to review in the coming weeks as we catch up.

Go on…Cinemaholics Review: Jumanji, The Greatest Showman, Bright, and Downsizing