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The Pixar Detective: Chapter 23


Not caught up yet to this chapter? Check out our Table of Contents to get all caught up.

It’s here! And I don’t think you’re going to be disappointed. Chapter 23 is…well a special chapter. I don’t want to say anything else, but I really doubt any of you are ready for it (I know I wasn’t, and I wrote the thing).

This week’s chapter is titled “And Beyond.” As you’re reading over the point of view sections and following the new story developments, I challenge you to take this title to heart. What does it mean? Why are these events being intertwined for this chapter? Do this, and I think you’ll gain more from the chapter than you would otherwise.

But I’m getting ahead of myself! We’re getting close to the halfway point for the end of the series, but I still have a lot more story to share with you. I do hope you enjoy.

Previously, on The Pixar Detective!

Stevin, Wallaby, Sadie, and Mr. Sumner have joined a mysterious explorer named Kevin Sohn on a dirigible that is traveling to France. Their mission is to discover what Mary was up to in the days leading to her disappearance.

Elsewhere, Robert Best is on his way to unite a group of misfits known as the Unforgivables. As you may recall, Robert is an Alumni with Pixar University, the same organization that Alec Azam worked for. Now that he’s up against supers, he and his partner Rey (also known as Mirage) must now rely on these “Unforgivables” to help them track down and defeat Kevin Sohn, who they refer to as “the poacher.”

Of course, Dark Sadie and Dark Logan, the brainwashed supers controlled by BnL, are still hunting Stevin and his friends. Will they ever catch up in time? Find out!

Click here to read Chapter 23: “And Beyond.”


Ready for more? Visit the Table of Contents to read Chapter 24.

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