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If Disney Princesses Played Pokemon GO


Longtime readers and podcast listeners know that digital illustrator Kayla Savage has done some stellar artwork for this platform, including the logo for this page, the design of The Pixar Theory and The Pixar Detective, just to name a few.

Recently, we’ve been working on a comic series titled Modern Princess, which debuts with the panels you’ve just read. Kayla did the artwork, obviously, and I wrote the script. We’ll be releasing more entries in the coming weeks, so be sure to keep checking back for more, or just follow on Twitter.

And that’s not all, believe it or not. Kayla went to the trouble to produce a few bonus panels, which you can check out below:

Thanks as always for reading. Let us know in the comments if you like Modern Princess, want to see more mockups like the ones above (Jasmine with a Growlithe, anyone?), or if you just want to know how you can request artwork from Kayla Savage herself. Her portfolio and contact form is right here.


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