The Pixar Theory & Other Relevations

What if every Pixar movie was connected? In 2015, I published my first non-fiction book, The Pixar Theory. A lot has changed since then. I have a new version of the book currently in progress and in need of a new publisher. The Pixar Theory & Other Relevations is the comprehensive book about Pixar’s filmography I’ve been dreaming of releasing for several years now. If you’re a publisher or agent interested in acquiring this title, you can contact me here.

The Killerjoy series

I published my debut fantasy novel Killerjoy in 2017 through a small press. Sadly, they are no longer in business due to COVID-19 disruptions, but you can still find the audiobook here. I’m currently planning to release a new version of the book along with its sequel, Vainguard, through a different publisher. The Killerjoy series is an epic action fantasy that blends the dark superhero drama of Watchmen with the mythical setting of The Lord of the Rings. Set in a world where powerful, caped heroes oppress the masked vigilantes, Killerjoy tells dueling stories of young upstarts who set out to save the dominion from itself.

The Pixar Detective

In 2014, I started a serial novel titled The Pixar Detective, which told the “hidden story” behind the shared Pixar universe with new characters and new twists on established ones. By the time it concluded in 2015, the book had three parts you can read anytime for free, complete with illustrations for every chapter. You can start reading the ebook here.