The Pixar Detective: Chapter 22

Not caught up yet to this chapter? Check out our Table of Contents to get your fill.

Hey awesome readers, I hope you’re all mentally prepared for the slew of new chapters we’re finishing Pixar Detective with. Finally, after over a year of planning, the story is coming together, and Chapter 22 is just the beginning of what’s to come.

Only the most exhaustive Pixar fans will pick up on some of the secrets and easter eggs I’ve hidden in this week’s chapter, and I have no doubt some of you will spoil them in the comments.

pixar detective chapter 22

As always, be sure to send your thanks to our illustrator, Kayla, for making these incredible sketches for the chapter and bringing Pixar Detective to life.

Let’s get started!

Previously, on the Pixar Detective!

Five months have passed since Stevin and Wallaby returned to present-day San Francisco, their home, to continue the investigation to find Mary. Along with them, Sadie and Sumner have begun to find a home here.

But the mission isn’t over. After months of planning, Stevin finally makes his move by seeking out a mysterious man named Kevin, who once aided Mary in collecting the materials she needed to travel in time without the help of Alec Azam. Now Kevin is helping Stevin and the others, and they’ll be traveling in style.

Click here to read Chapter 22: The Unforgivables.


Ready for more? Visit the Table of Contents to read Chapter 23.

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Thanks for reading! What did you think of Chapter 22?

18 thoughts on “The Pixar Detective: Chapter 22

  1. Any site where I can make a good Wattpad cover?
    Chapter 1 of Spinoff #2 is here! Chapter 1 of Spinoff #1 is a little slow, but is slowly progressing.


  3. Interesting fact: The Unforgivables appeared in an Incredibles comic made by Boom Studious in 2010, formed by Xerek, the first antagonist of The Incredibles before going to Syndrome.
    Not much is known because of the comic’s cancellation, but a known thing is that they made the Incredibles HATED by making everyone hate the Incredibles by hypnosis and and having a robot attack the city in their name.
    Something tells me that this will be a weird story and A LOT of explaining that needs to be done.

    • In the chapter, he says that it’s the “new” Unforgivables.

    • Don’t worry, Chapter 23 will cover what the deal is with the “new” Unforgivables.

  4. So Robert Best is the son of Lucius Best AKA Frozone. Dastardly.

  5. The town they are in is from Toy Story, the name Robert came from Mr. Incredible’s real name. Also the gloves Mirage had is Syndrome’s Zero Point Energy gloves.

    • Wait, how did Kevin even get the Spirit of Adventure? It was with Carl and Russel at the end of Up.

      • Maybe Kevin stole it (Unlikely) or Carl and Russell sold it to him or something. Maybe Russell had a son whom he inherited it to. I have no idea, but BnL wants it so much to a point where they have to give it to Kevin to prevent BnL from having it in my opinion.

  6. Also, the open parking lot thats mentioning an old location for a pizza place is the Pizza Planet original location.

  7. Wow. I got a couple Easter eggs, but now I’m realizing that I practically didn’t get anything at all.
    What a low for a Pixar fan who thought she knew it all.
    Anyway, I think Kevin’s actually Russell’s son, and that he was named after the bird his father had to leave behind.
    Come on. You MUST have caught the fact that Kevin has the same name as the bird from UP. No Pixar fan is THAT dumb.

  8. Of COURSE we caught that! You don’t have to be so snarky about it! Geez.
    Moving on, I don’t think Kevin is Russel’s son. While you make a fairly convincing argument (Russell WAS really attached to Kevin the bird-maybe attached enough to name his son after her?), I really don’t think that Russell’s son is in the Pixar Detective. I mean, Russel isn’t really a huge part of UP; it was always about Carl. So why would he be in the Pixar Detective? Or his son, for that matter. I think Jon Negroni just called him Kevin as a reference to the Kevin in UP, or simply picked Kevin as a name for the guy. It’s a good idea, though. 🙂

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