What Was the Best Movie of Summer 2014?

Let the debate begin. There were plenty of enjoyable big screen outings this summer, but which one was your favorite? The best?

On this week’s episode of the Agents of FILM podcast, we answer that question as best we can. And stick around for the end of the show to hear about new films that will be coming out this weekend.

You can watch the show below, or download the audio version here.

Cool things we mentioned:


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10 thoughts on “What Was the Best Movie of Summer 2014?

  1. Great! Do you have a podcast link so we will automatically be able to get new episodes?

    • No, but you can subscribe to this blog and get emails that way. We release every Monday, and hopefully, we’ll have a special podcast link eventually that you can sign up for!

  2. I’m going to have to go with Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I did see Guardians of the Galaxy, and it was really good, but Apes was more exciting for me for some reason.

    • I can’t disagree until I’ve seen the film myself. It may end up being my favorite as well!

  3. it would be nice if you would include a printed version of the audiocast for those who do not want to take the time to listen

    • Yeah, that would definitely cover the bases. But realistically, that would take far too long. Sorry!

  4. For me, the best were Dawn of the planet of the apes and Guardians of the Galaxy. I can’t decide which one I liked better, because they were both just amazing in their own way; Dawn for the serious intensity, and Guardians for the humor. One thing that both of these movies share, is that they know how to balance great action and heartfelt moments, and that’s what I think makes them so great 🙂

  5. I thought the best movie was either Guardians of the Galaxy or personally Maleficent. They were both hilarious.

  6. Guardians of the Galaxy is by far my favorite of this summer though I haven’t seen most of the other movies so my opinion is a little non-educated. GotG was hilarious and had great battle scenes and amazing characters. The best way to explain how amazing it was is I am Groot, says it all 😉

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