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5 Reasons Why I Write (And Why You Should Too)


To some, writing is a chore. It’s a necessary hurdle to completing certain tasks, especially in school, and many people choose not to write as a result of troubling experiences throughout their education.

Of course, to others like me and maybe you, writing is essential. Something we can’t go the day without doing. And here’s why:

5. I have a story to tell. 

Maya Angelou once said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

Seems to me like not enough of us are telling our stories.

It’s been pointed out to me several times that I have a habit of inserting myself into my writing. The kick is that I do this purposefully.

You see, adding personality to my writing is a subtle way of telling my story and quelling the talkative nature within me that just wants to share everything to everyone at all times.

Inserting yourself piece by piece into your own publications is something all of the great writers do. It’s not putting yourself above what you are talking about, but it is instead adding credibility. You’re directly communicating your thoughts to the reader.

That’s all to say that writing is more than just you trying to please a reader. Oh, it is far more than that. Writing is about translating yourself and printing it worldwide.

4. I want to learn. 

A fun aspect of writing is proofreading. Every time I go over what I just wrote or even wrote a long time ago, I learn so much about myself in so many ways.

I learn about my own deficiencies for one thing, as I find myself improperly using commas or implementing the wrong word. More importantly, however, I learn more about myself personally, reminding myself of thoughts I once had and have since forgotten.

Have you ever re-read something you were really proud of a few years ago? It blows my mind sometimes when I read articles on this blog from just a year ago, and it is always a refreshing experience.

3. It’s permanent.

The idea of leaving a legacy appeals to everyone, but we are rarely proactive about it. The beauty of writing is that you are stamping yourself on a piece of paper that, if treasured, will be a permanent addition to the world at large.

As I said earlier, you are essentially printing yourself when you write, and if you have an affinity for it, this could be a legacy producing immeasurable returns.

2. It hurts.

Writing can be a difficult exercise to maintain. You are forcing yourself to uphold and produce a certain level of creativity and conceptual creation over a consistent period of time. Writing can seriously break you, and I am in love with that.

Yes, breaking in a new pair of shoes is painful and time-consuming, but there is always the reward of comfort below your feet. Eventually. With writing, the same reward manifests as experience, making you a better writer than you were when it was more difficult. After all, pain is simply proof of growth, and nothing grows me better quite like writing. Which brings me to…

1. It makes me better. 

Writing improves everything about me, not just being better at the practice. Putting my thoughts on paper is cathartic and therapeutic, and I find myself reading better and thinking more clearly when I am writing consistently. Even my empathy is vastly improved the more I write, because when done correctly, writing is two-way communication.

I can only speak for myself at the end of this post. For some people, painting is their “writing.” Maybe music as well. All I can speak on is how writing is an essential aspect of my life that makes the world seem slightly more appealing to me the more I do it.

Write on!

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